Students » Student Handbook

Student Handbook


• Stop and think before reacting, while remaining calm, thoughtful and respectful.
• Show consideration by being an active respectful listener.
• Choose a positive response when faced with challenging situations.
• Use electronics appropriately and respectfully with others safety and privacy in mind.
• Respect the safety, privacy and reputation of others and yourself when communicating.

Personal Responsibility
• Make a personal commitment to demonstrate honesty, dignity, and pride in everything you do.
• Take pride in your school and surrounding community – keep it clean.
• Believe in yourself, set high expectations, and commit to do your best.
• Make good work habits your number one priority as a learner. 
• Show responsibility by keeping commitments and making deadlines.

• Respect the right of others and yourself to learn.
• Model respectful and responsible behavior while representing our school.
• Treat others with common courtesy and respect, recognizing that we live in a diverse, multicultural society that puts human rights at the forefront of our actions, by not discriminating in any form including race, color, gender, religious beliefs, sexual orientation, and nationality.
• Recognize and share your personal strengths in our community.

  • General Information
  • How Parents Can Support Homework
  • Student Evaluation and Recognition
  • Educational Programs & Services
  • School Services
  • Graduation Requirements
  • Code of Conduct
  • Schedule of Fees and Deposits
  • Student Parking Contract and map

Attendance Automated Call-Out System
The automatic absence call-out system runs from 5:30-8:00 pm.  A phone call, from an out going only number and an email is sent when a student has been absent without excuse for one or more blocks during the day.  The message will state "a student in your household has been absent for one or more classes". 
Please contact the school 250-964-4431 if you would like more information.

Regular attendance is a critical component of student success. Parents are strongly encouraged to ensure that their children attend school except in the case of unavoidable absences such as sickness and family emergency. If you know that your child will be away, please call the school so that their attendance can be corrected.

Arriving Late/Leaving Early
If your child is going to be late or needs to be excused early, please send a note with your child. The note can be brought to the front office in the morning and we will give them either a late slip or an early dismissal slip. This will ensure that classes are not interrupted.